Builds. Restorations. Refits.
Dawes - Debutante
A sweet step through Dawes Debutante.
Fully serviced and ready to roll away!
For SALE - £175
Custom Vans BMX
Custom Vans BMX.
A complete painted BMX, shredding Vans Waffle.
Stripped, repainted and rebuilt from the ground up. This makes a complete and totally rad, custom BMX, shredding Vans Waffle.
Opening Dawes - Neo Commuter
Dawes Lightweight - Neo Commuter.
A retro Dawes, 2x7 commuter.
DANGER - Claud Butler to Pizza Collector.
An old steel frame converted to flatbar fixie, for pub cruising and pizza collecting.
Raleigh - Touring Tandem
Raleigh - Touring Tandem. A beautiful example of British Steel. For Sale.
Concorde - Colombo
A colourful Concorde Colombo.
Impressive Italian Steel, built in a minimal neoretro setup.
For SALE - £950